day care

[dei kɛə]
  • 释义
  • (托儿所的)日托;日间护理;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The cost of starting up a day care center for children ranges from $150,000 to $300,000.


  • 2、

    They regretted the closure of the day care center.


  • 3、

    Day care is provided by the company she works for.


  • 4、

    In contrast to most European countries, day care in the United States is a haphazard affair.

    和多数欧洲国家相反, 托儿服务在美国是比较随意性的私人事项.

  • 5、

    It is day care with a blackboard.


  • 6、

    Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children.


  • 7、

    Here, all BIOSWISS products have enjoyed a great reputation , including the Active Day Care system, Biopeelings.

    现在, 所有柏奥丝的产品已经享有盛名, 特别其活性日间护理和深层肌肤护理.

  • 8、

    Airplane travel, dry cleaning, banking, medical care, and day care are examples of services.

    飞机旅行 、 干洗 、 银行业 、 医疗护理和日常护理都是现行的服务.

  • 9、

    Working mothers rely on the day care program.


  • 10、

    Respite, term residential and day care are also available.


  • 11、

    And working parents have to juggle day care, jobs and family.

    父母需要变着戏法般地平衡每天的日托, 工作和家庭的关系.

  • 12、

    Day care enables women to get involved in other activities.


  • 13、

    My mother taught for 11 years at a day care center.


  • 14、

    We've arranged for the representatives to visit one of our day care center.


  • 15、

    Some offer gym memberships. A few even supply day care for their working mothers and fathers.

    一些为员工办健身会员卡, 一些甚至为全职父母提供日间托儿服务.

  • 16、

    Some preschool children go to a day care centre, where they learn simple games and songs.

    一些学前的孩子去一个全天护理中心, 在那里他们学习简单的游戏和歌曲.

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